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Anxiety Management

Anxiety Management in Downtown Long Beach, Bixby Knolls Long Beach, Paramount, CA

Treatment is available today for anxiety! You are not alone and we are here to help. Call our team of medical professionals today at Reddy Urgent Care or visit us online! We treat patients of all ages, and no appointments are necessary! We have convenient locations to serve you.

Anxiety Management Near Me in Downtown Long Beach, Bixby Knolls Long Beach, Paramount, CA
Anxiety Management Near Me in Downtown Long Beach, Bixby Knolls Long Beach, Paramount, CA

Table of Contents:

How do I get help for anxiety?
How do I know if I have anxiety?
Are there external causes of anxiety?

How do I get help for anxiety?

However, if anxiety symptoms persist and are severe, and they cause distress in a person’s life to the point that they adversely affect the person’s ability to work or study, socialize and manage daily tasks, then treatment may be necessary. Dr. Reddy and a team of medical professionals at Reddy Urgent Care clinics in Downtown Long Beach are available to treat anxiety. At Reddy Urgent Care clinics medical professionals work with patients to develop a custom treatment plan tailored to their specific needs. Each experience of anxiety is different so staff at Reddy Urgent Care clinics ensures they choose the right plan for you.

Psychotherapy and medication are most commonly used to treat anxiety. The most commonly used therapy to treat anxiety disorders is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). By teaching patients skills to manage their symptoms, CBT enables them to engage in activities they avoided because of their anxiety. An individual’s medication regimen will differ depending on the type of anxiety disorder he or she has been diagnosed with. Antidepressants, beta-blockers, and sedatives are sometimes used for short-term relief of anxiety symptoms, as well as anti-anxiety medication like buspirone.

How do I know if I have anxiety?

Everyone experiences anxiety at some point in their lives, whether they have anxiety disorder or not, and those with anxiety disorder express similar symptoms to those without the disorder. However, the symptoms are more severe and frequent for those with anxiety disorder. Worry and concern are excessive and persistent symptoms of anxiety disorder. Anxiety and fear can result in panic attacks. Patients with anxiety disorders may experience a variety of symptoms that can interfere with their everyday lives.

The following symptoms are usually associated with anxiety: nervousness, difficulty controlling worry, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, weakness, sweating, and gastrointestinal problems.

In and of itself, anxiety is not a mental illness; it can be an appropriate response to stressful situations when experienced by those without mental disorders. Anxiety disorders are characterized by continuous and severe feelings and symptoms associated with anxiety. Anxiety disorder sufferers may also experience this reaction in situations in which external stressors seem disproportionately low to someone without the disorder. There are many types of anxiety disorders but generalized anxiety disorder is the most common. Anxiety disorders can also be caused by specific phobias, usually social phobias.

Are there external causes of anxiety?

There is no single root cause of anxiety, it is usually the result of a combination of factors. Anxiety is associated with genetic factors, personality factors, stressful occurrences, substance abuse, and physical health. Sometimes anxiety involves a disproportionate reaction in the absence of an external cause, and it can be difficult to determine the root cause, however, in some cases, external stressors do exist.

Anxiety conditions can be triggered by external stressors without always being caused by them. Trauma, abuse, family or relationship problems, career change or career stress, the death of a loved one, and several other traumatic events or dramatic life changes can trigger anxiety or pose risk factors for the development of an anxiety disorder.

There are certain personality traits that could be associated with a higher susceptibility to anxiety than others. Anxiety tends to develop more frequently in people who behave timidly, are easily flustered, or lack self-esteem. Asthma, diabetes, and heart disease are also physical health problems associated with anxiety.

It is estimated that 20% of those with substance abuse disorders also have anxiety disorders, and substance abuse can contribute to the development of anxiety disorders. Anxiety is often caused by a genetic predisposition toward mental health conditions, such as a family history.

If you are experiencing anxiety and need treatments, then reach out to us today through our website. Our team at Reddy Urgent Care is here to help you and most of all help you combat your anxiety so that you can start enjoying life again. We serve patients from Downtown Long Beach CA, Bixby Knolls Long Beach CA, East Side CA, Paramount CA, and Los Altos CA.

Urgent Care Clinic in Long Beach and Paramount, CA - Locations

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